When it's a thousand degrees outside, like it is right now here in LA, remember the plus side of all that sun: baskets full of juicy ripe berries and the first plump ears of sweet, sweet corn. And, on the EXTRA plus side, there's also me, turning on the ovens in the middle of the heat wave, busily transforming all that goodness into cookies like these*.
When you're shaken and literally furious about the world, let's remember we can be on the plus side of all that, too. Let’s pick ourselves up and find a way to transform the heat we're feeling into action. Agitate! Research how to help and do that! And, oh yeah, VOTE!
Here's one thing I'm doing. All summer long, 10% of all cookie sales are going to Planned Parenthood and other organizations supporting women and their healthcare providers until safety and sanity return.
Because being a Mom (in the Mail or otherwise) should ALWAYS be a choice.
*And now, here’s a little more about those Summer Cookies.
Red, White & Blue-Kies ‘N Cream - These were invented on a whim to celebrate the 4th of July in cookie form. Turns out, we LOVE the results of combining our cult favorite Cookies ‘N Cream Cookies, with the hints of chocolate from the Oreos and creamy white chocolate chips, with handfuls of tart dried cherries and sweet dried wild blueberries. It’s like fireworks…in a very good way!
— The above commentary is excerpted from our June newsletter. These lovely cookies all limited editions, and available only while supplies last.