“Thanks so much, Sharon. Everyone LOVES getting Mom in the Mail!”
— Holly, who sent treats across the country for Valentine’s Day this year.
Cookies. Good.
That's what people say...
“Thanks so much, Sharon. Everyone LOVES getting Mom in the Mail!”
— Holly, who sent treats across the country for Valentine’s Day this year.
“My friend and her mother were delighted with their Mom in the Mail box. From the packaging to the presentation and omg the goodies!!
They are going to be customers in the future.
Absolutely rave reviews!”
—Lyn, who sent a box of holiday treats
…and Mom in the Mail was at the door!
— Text shared by Ellen from her daughter.
BTW, moms are not technically psychic, but that mother’s intuition thing is no joke.
— Photo shared by Erin, who has been treating both her kids to Mom in the Mail this year.
BTW, yes, we did enjoy this immensely! Thank you, Erin!
“You have been wonderful to work with and I will definitely put the word out about your company. :)”
— K, whose company commissioned these custom boxes for their summer interns. When shown the photo: “Oh my gosh…so so cute!!!"
In regards to your cookies, can I just say WOW? While I am having my afternoon coffee, I just finished the oatmeal cookies, and I never even liked oatmeal cookies. Now, I am a FAN!!
— A, who messaged us offering to trade a nice Portuguese Vihno Verde for another batch.
“What do you think of the new Oatmeal Scotchies?”
Munch Munch Munch.
“These? These are SOLID!”
— Teenage Boy Taste tester
We feel these are therefore some of the best cookies we’ve ever made.
“I wanted to share a story about our friends in Arcadia. Renee cried (literally cried) tears of joy when she and Adam opened the box from Mom in the Mail. The beautiful (and festive) packaging and the delicious treats just took her breath away. Mom in the Mail is pretty much like sending joy in the mail, especially now while we are continuing to be socially distant from our dear ones. And, everyone who tries your delicious cookies is hooked!” — Jody, who sent a large Easter Bunny Box and Matzo Crack to lots of friends this year.
Meet Lily!
She is the source for the Girl Scout Cookes in our Thin Mint Cookies ‘N Cream cookies. We are so proud to support her and her troop!
“Lily says Great Job Mom in the Mail on the Thin Mint& Cream cookies! She said they were tasty!!” — Lily’s mom, via Instagram.
“I’ve ordered from you a few times and my son LOVES every treat I send him. (He says to me, “Mom, you should send these to yourself — they’re so good!”) I wanted to give you a particular thank you for offering Jewish-related treats like matzo crack. It means so much…Thank you, thank you. My daughter starts college next year and so I’ll soon be using your service for two kids! Thanks again!” — Erin
noun. A gift of treats to relatives or friends, especially of items not readily available to them.
noun. Maker of the best care packages, ever.