When Mom Met Maya

An LA meet-cute story with an incredibly happy ending.

Once upon a time in a delightful place called BLVD Kitchen in Los Angeles, two dedicated sweets-makers worked side by side for many months. One of them made yummy old-fashioned cookies, and the other one made the most magical Brazilian candies you can imagine. One day, in a truly inspired flash of genius, they decided to see what would happen if they combined their creations. 

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Sweet Milk Brownies

Triple Fudge Brownies with Sweet Milk Bombs baked right in.

This happened.

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Cocoa Coco Brigwiches

Creamy Coconut Brigadeiros gently smashed between Deep Dark Chocolate Cookies

And these happened.

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Shortbread Brigwiches

Melt-in-your-Mouth Gluten-Free Masa Shortbread Cookies with Delectable Chocolate Brig Middles

These, too.

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Coffee Brig Blondies

Rich and Buttery Caramel Batter with Mocha Brig Swirls

Plus these. They're ridiculous. 

Needless to say, there was much rejoicing!

BTW, this happened, too. Talk about a happy ending. 

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